
本文的作者为美国著名私募基金经理Matthew Peterson。他在华尔街是个绝对的另类

作者:Matthew Peterso  

编者按:本文的作者为美国著名私募基金经理Matthew Peterson。他在华尔街是个绝对的另类,“逆向投资”是他最鲜明的标签——或许也正是这一点令他的投资业绩出类拔萃,傲视华尔街。

Fossil Group Inc. (FOSL) is a vertically integrated (from design, all the way topoint-of-sale) global consumer fashion accessories company that offers men’sand women’s fashion watches, jewelry, handbags, leather goods, belts, and sunglasses. The current valuation fails to account for the new opportunity that lies ahead of FOSL. Insiders and management own significant stakes, ensuring incentives are aligned. Camera shy CEO, Kosta N. Kartsotis, owns 13% of outstanding common stocks, and he earns no salary. The current share price offers investors the opportunity to buy a good business at a double-digit normalized free cash flow yield.

福斯尔集团(Fossil Group Inc.股票代码FOSL)是一个垂直一体化的国际消费者时尚配饰集团。其设计、营销和销售的产品包括男女时尚手表、首饰、手提包、皮革制品、皮带和太阳眼镜等。从现在福斯尔的股价来看,市场显然并没有意识到它的新机遇。另一方面,集团高管手上有大量的公司股票,他们想要把公司做好的动力毋庸置疑。比如不常在媒体镜头下露面的CEO, Kosta N. Kartsotis手上就有公司13%的普通股,而他平时是不拿工资的。现在买入的Normalized(正常化的)自由现金流收益率高达两位数,而公司现在较低的股价则给了投资者一个绝佳的“上车”机会。

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A new trend that arises from smart watches,strong currency headwind, increased marketing and advertisement related expenses (54% increase in last 5 years), and increased growth investments, led to margin compression, but the market fails to recognize the new expansion into the growth markets like China and new product development, Smart watches. Based on my sleuthing, newly introduced 2nd generation smart watches (Q Wander &Q Marshal) are sold out in multiple locations. 1st generation watches are no longer available in Fossil stores or online via Fossil’s website. I have received good reviews from sales people. They either have the 2nd generation watch or are planning to buy one in the near future. I believe that FOSL placed itself in a unique situation to capture the new trend: wearable devices that fit technology, fashion, and fitness altogether.

智能手表的兴起,汇率下行,都使福斯尔在销售、广告相关的支出在过去的五年里足足涨了54%。投资增加,利润就会受到挤压。但是现阶段市场却忽略了这个集团在成长性市场(如中国)上的扩张,也忽略了它的新产品——智能手表所带来的增长潜力。福斯尔之前的第一代智能手表产品在官方网站和门店都已经停止销售,第二代智能手表Q Wander和Q Marshal取而代之。而根据我的实地调查,几个有这个新产品销售的门店里,销售人员都给出了不错的评价,他们表示自己已经买了或者打算买一块这个新手表。在我看来,福斯尔已经在智能手表的新浪潮里找到了自己的位置:生产集技术、时尚和健康于一身的可穿戴设备。

Although the current market price assumes that the revenue will continue to decline, I believe this is not the case for FOSL. Currently, the company trades for 7X 2015’s FCF. New long-term growth-relatedinvestments and liquidation of excess inventory compressed the margin and truecash flow potential. As these costs go away, margin will expand and so will the FCF. Historically, EBITDA margins float around ~20%. If the EBITDA margin goes to 18% FOSL will generate $7.28/Share,implying a 23% FCF yield.


The sleuth analyst:

FOSLis one of the highest shorted stocks, measured by short interest offloat(36.37%). I have been visiting multiple Fossil store over the past two weeks. I believe wall street is wrong.



FOSL is selling lots of smart watches. I have talked to more than 15 sales associates at different locations. They all said the same story, good very positive story. Some stores even ran out of stocks. I have talked to customers those who wear them right now; they are happy with the generation-2 watches, especially about the battery life. I also visited the same location multiple times in the past two weeks to talk to different salespeople at the same location, and I didn’t find any inconsistencies among them.


Rose gold is the mostpopular among them; some locations didn’t even have any stock.



Competitive Advantage/Industry Highlight:

  • Barriers to entry seem to be low in plain sight, but it is hard to break into the industry and run a profitable business operation. It is very difficult to grow one brand globally since it is required to have critical mass to have a successful operation.




  • A higher start-up cost with higher uncertainty doesn’t justify the huge initial investment. It is necessary to spend a huge amount of money on advertising to communicate the brand value. FOSL spends close to $250 million on advertisement every year. It is also necessary to create a brand image, even before you start selling through department stores or other channels. When the brand goes through distributors, the brand will not be able to communicate the image unless it has already been established. FOSL has enough brand names in its portfolio to expand its operation globally. FOSL’s licensing business is seven times larger than the closest competitor (MOV). It makes FOSL a natural partner for other brands. Guess even tried to join FOSL, but Callanen International (Guess watch maker) sued FOSL, claiming it violated the antitrust and unfair competition law. I don’t anticipate any risk that comes from one brand will leave from FOSL to another manufacturer.

然而启动成本和不确定性的“双高”也不足以解释为什么进入行业所需要的起始投资会高得如此离谱。其中的另外一个原因,就是需要花费巨额的广告费用去传播品牌价值。福斯尔每年花在广告上的钱近2.5亿美元。另外,品牌形象的树立也很重要,而且树立时间一定要尽早,甚至在产品进入百货商店或其他渠道之前就得建立起自己的品牌形象,否则在销售的过程中就无法起到传播品牌的作用。但福斯尔在获取国际知名度这一方面有着天然优势,因为它为许多像Adidas, Burberry, Michael Kors和Emporio Armani等等这样的国际知名品牌设计和制作时尚配饰。福斯尔的代理业务规模比最接近它的竞争对手(MOV)大了整整七倍。Guess之前也想加入福斯尔,只是后来被Guess品牌手表的生产商,Callanen International以违反反垄断和反不正当竞争法为由告上法庭,这件事情才最后作罢。所以,我不认为福斯尔现有的合作品牌中,会有任何一个愿意离开它而转投其他生产商。

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  • The vertically integrated nature of Fossil’s business helps it to understand the new market trend and adapt itself quickly to new fashions/trends. It has seven weeks lead time while its closest competitor, Movado, has six months lead time. Fossil can even run some experimental products, which it normally does, before producing on a larger scale.


  • Unlike many of Fossil’s competitors, FOSL sells fashion watches along with luxury watches. Fashion watches tend to have shorter shelf/store time, indicated by the inventory days. Fashion watches are less sensitive to the economy as compared to luxury watches.


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  • FOSL generates revenue through wholesale (~75%) and retail operations (~25%). The wholesale business comprises a large portion of EBIT. Having multi-brand watches at various price levels has a significant advantage when it comes to wholesale business. Since department stores are more concerned about how much money they could make per square foot when selling watches, they tend to carry all the watches at various price ranges to attract more customers of all levels.


Investment highlights:

  • FOSL is heavily shorted stock for a variety of reasons: I don’t believe that short sellers will continue to be right.



1)The threat from the smart watches: I think FOSL is wellprepared to face the new trend. Their new wearable watches are a very hotproduct in the market. They are close enough to iWatch in terms offunctionality, even though IOS has blocked certain features. Based on thecommunication that I had with sales associates, it will be rectified through3rd party apps in the near future.

1)之前观点都认为智能手表的兴起会严重威胁福斯尔,但事实上,它早就做好了应              对的准备,现在已成了这股趋势的“玩家”之一——他们新出的第二代智能手表销量喜人。从功能来看,它们的智能手表和iWatch并没有太大区别,其搭载的安卓系统也可以连接iPhone。虽然iOS平台限制了部分功能,但店员告诉我,这个问题会在不久的将来由第三方软件解决。

2)Margin compression: The market fails to recognize the growth investments, an increase in advertising and marketing expenses, and currency headwinds. I believe the margin will recover as the new investment starts to work out. FOSL is spending a huge amount of money on expanding its international business, as they tend to be high margin businesses rather than the businesses it has in the USA. Opening new stores tends to cost EBIT margin in the short run as indicated by the below graphs. I believe sell side analysts are more focused with margin than the possibility that comes in the near future. Most of the new stores in Asia are concession, and they don’t have fixed rent payments, but rather a % of revenue. I don’t believe this will have a negative effect, even if the market crashes.

“Our international marginsare higher than our U.S. margins on the wholesale side, primarily due to thefact that we are afforded the luxury of selling at higher prices. We don’t havethe same competitive landscape in the watch business in most of the marketsinternationally as we find here in the U.S., and therefore, the — we can pricemuch more sharply. Our gross margin sort of generally anywhere from probably 5to 10% higher in the international wholesale segment than they are in the U.S.segment on a like-per-like product perspective.”  Mike Kovar – Fossil, Inc. – CFO, 2008-Q2, CCT

2)现阶段公司利润率压缩,其实是因为增长性投资支出、广告及市场费用增加,以及汇率降低所致。我相信等到这些新投资开始起作用时,利润率就会恢复到原来的水平。福斯尔现在投入大量资金扩张国际业务,不断在亚洲地区开新店,所以短期来看,开店成本的确会让EBIT利润率降低(如下图所示)。由此看来,卖方分析师们关心的只是福斯尔短期的利润率。但是这里有一点要注意了,福斯尔在亚洲开店的绝大 多数地点是特批的,所以这些店几乎不用缴纳店铺租金,只会源源不断地产生利润。就算市场崩溃,也不会对这个几乎是“只进不出”的状况有什么影响。

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而且,福斯尔在国际市场上的利润率会比美国本土市场的高,正如MikeKovar,集团的、CFO所说,“国际上大部分市场的名贵表竞争都没有美国的激烈,所以我们在国际商场 、上给名贵表的定价就可以更激进。”根据他的粗略估计,以名贵表为例,福斯尔在国际市场批发这一块的利润率会比美国的高5-10%。

  • FOSL’s new acquisition, Misfit, and the new licensing agreement with Kate Spade will open up new channels to market its products, wearable technology, through consumer electronic stores (CE). Misfit and Kate Spade already have self-spaces in multiple CEs, even though both of them don’t have good enough products to compete with Fitbit. Management is positive that it will change soon.

福斯尔在2015年底收购了Misfit,另外从它和Kate Spade去年签订的授权协议来看,福斯尔新推出的智能穿戴设备将会在KateSpade的店里出售,从此打开新的销售渠道。Misfit和KateSpade在很多消费类电子(consumer electronic,简称CE)的店里都有自己独立的销售柜台。虽然这两者的产品都暂时无法与Fitbit(第一家上市的可穿戴设备公司)相匹敌,但管理层表示这个局面将很快被改变。

  • FOSL only generates 17% of its total sales from Asia; management believes that its recent investment will increase the sales volume in Asia where Swatch is a market leader.


  • FOSL has experienced management, and it has experience dealing with negative watch demand. In fact, the company still runs by one of the founders.
    “ For fiscal 2014, Mr. Kartsotis, our CEO, continued to refuse all forms of compensation, expressing his belief that, given his level of stock ownership, his primary compensation is met by continuing to drive stock price growth, thereby aligning his interests with stockholders’ interests. As a result, the following references to Named Executive Officers in this Compensation Discussion and Analysis do not include Mr. Kartsotis. – Definitive Proxy, 2015”


  • Capitalization and Multiples: with very conservative assumption.


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  • Trades at the lower end of the peer group. FOSL generates 25% of its revenue through Michael Kors brands and 75% comes from other brands. As such, I believe FOSL should trade above Michael Kors, or at the very least, it should trade on par with Michael Kors. If it does, FOSL would be worth $60 on a normalized earning basis. If it trades at the median, FOSL will be at $65.
  • 估值


      公司目前在同业中的价格偏低。福斯尔收入的25%来自于销售Michael Kors的手表,其余75%来自于其他品牌。所以我认为福斯尔的价格理应在Michael Kors之上,或者再怎么样都应该和它在同一水平线上。如果按照这个标准,福斯尔的股价保守估计应该值60美元,中等标准的话则应值65美元。

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Assume the wholesale revenue drops by 20% (conservative &Base) 10% drop for aggressive case, for the sake of conservative valuation. Wholesale is the higher margin business. Retail sales Flat. It is reasonable to assume Wholesale EBIT margin is 24%; Retail margin is 13% based on historical data; EV/EBIT: 8x based on peer valuation; EV/EBIT:10x based on historical trend (aggressive case).


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Implied Share price sensitivity Table:


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Implied upside from $30.35 sensitivityTable:


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Behind all the pessimism that arose from the margincompression and the new smart watch introduction from other companies, FOSL istrading at a very good valuation. Analysts are more obsessed with the margincompression and fail to look the possibilities that lie ahead in the future. Ibelieve patient investors will eventually reap the benefits.





