高腾侯明伟:三季度积极迎战衰退与波动 多空两头机遇空前丰盛

原创丨高腾国际(ID:gaotengasset)作者丨侯明伟Desmond How(高腾国际董事总经理、固定收益投资负责人)备注丨后附英文原文流动性仍然是市场价格的中流砥柱风险市场继续无视全球经济的窘境,在疫情危机之下高调步入6月。在持续


作者侯明伟Desmond How(高腾国际董事总经理、固定收益投资负责人)























English Version

Liquidity remains the most powerful price driver

Risk markets continued to ignore the plight of the global economy amidst the pandemic crisis and powered into June. Credits preads were tighter across all regions, led by relentless equity rally, seemingly playing musical chairs among US, Europe and more recently China.

Heading into the third quarter, investors are likely to dial down on aggression in risk taking. The earnings season will be a strong reminder of the actual state of the world we are in, and there are possible air pockets when corporate results disappointMeanwhile, the open-and-shut in various cities stemming from derivative waves of the virus will disrupt a meaningful economic recovery. 

Nevertheless, we expect central banks, especially the Feds, to continue fester moral hazard trades via easing and asset purchases, and governments worldwide to keep throwing helicopter money in efforts to engineer a soft landing. In turn, the abundance in liquidity will floor asset prices in the short term. 

However, the credit market is likely to further dichotomise into financeable and distressed assets, given default rates are set to rise sharply into the second half this year. JPM forecast <5% for EM by end-2020, much milder than a plausible double-digit percentage for the US. We reckon they may be optimistic.

Asia: Walking a tightrope

Another month, another winning streak for Asia credits (IG 10-20 bp tighter, HY 2-3 points higher*), but surely it doesn’t feel as boisterous to us and market looks jittery at times. The tug of war between ultra-accommodative central banks and grim economic outlook compounded by a second-wave threat is again intensifying and a clear winner has yet to emerge. (*Source:Bloomberg,as of 30 June 2020)

After succumbing to a liquidity-induced rally since the end of March, we incline to stay closer to home as risk-reward in credit has become less favorable amid a litany of macro and micro risks that one still has to navigate. In the primary market, supply remained plentiful in June but their performances were largely disappointing as many deals got priced even tighter than their secondary levels, a sign of market frothiness. 

Fitch changed India’s BBB- sovereign rating outlook to negative–the second rating agency to take such action after Moody’s–and decided to downgrade a number of Indian banks to junk. We have been negative on India for a while, yet market took the rating action as a relief and price actions in that space were muted. 

China property is the only sweet spot in HY as many developers have continued to reap in strong contracted sales since 1Q; amazing was the fact that more than half of them were up for 6M 2020, underscoring the sector resilience to economic downturn

With global economic activities hit hard by the pandemic, corporate defaults in Asia seem to be slowing cropping up though.  We believe Asian credits will remain volatile in 2H 2020, but as we have seen in 1H 2020 there are many 10-pointer alpha opportunities in interesting situations from both the long and short sides.

Ex-Asia: Party on with stress in distressed

Economies in many countries are reopening prematurely amidst second-or third-wave infection risk as Brazil and India climbed to become the world’s top-3 virus hotbeds. The rally since March’s bottom is now making valuations insensible. This must have been the shortest bear cycle in financial history. 

Rather than fundamentals, we believe the technical factor is the main driver of this rally; we really don’t know when the music would stop. We hence position ourselves in idiosyncratic stressed/distressed bonds at low cash price for alpha, instead of taking beta risk. Indeed, JPM research called for almost 1-in-3 sovereign defaults within the next two years!

About Emerging Markets Long/Short Fixed Income Strategy

Emerging market is a recognised asset class with breadth and depth. The strategy transcends economic cycles with the capability to take both long and short sides of investments to ride along bulls and bears. 

Our managers offer a tremendous track record in this unique strategy that focuses mainly on capital gains derived from spread compression and decompression plays, that result from divergent credit trajectory within the emerging market economies. Unlike other hedge funds, investors do not rely on carry from our portfolio which has been proven to be uncorrelated with major market indices.


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